Saturday, March 29, 2008

Melbourne, Australia

For those who are interested in the weather, Sydney and Melbourne are in that benign latitude similar to that of Capetown, where it is never very cold, i.e. about 50F/10C at worst, and warm in their summer months. We arrived at the start of the Australian autumn, and except for a few rain showers we have had terrific weather. For the runners out there, the Capital City Trail along the Yarra River is about perfect -- a winding trail, a serene river, fragrant with eucalyptus, and not too many runners or bikers.

We arrived on Thursday, March 27, and we leave tomorrow, March 31, for Uluru. Because Internet access will be limited or nonexistent for the next ten days, we will probably not be able to post until after our return from Papual New Guinea (PNG) on April 11. We know that you will miss us but please try to bear up under the stress -- we will keep a journal during our stays in Uluru and PNG and will post as soon as practicable following April 11.

Jonathan, with Amy and their children Sam and Sylvia, is in Melbourne on a sabbatical, so we have enjoyed their company during our visit, including a trip to the Melbourne Aquarium. (Photos to follow.) They were kind enough to find hats suitable for our stay in Australia, as shown in the attached photos.
Today, Sunday, we visited Melbourne Park where the Rod Laver Arena and the Vodaphone Arena are located. We signed up for a tour (after finding a few trinkets for Phoebe), and were treated to an inside view of the Australian Open/Grand Slam. Please note the photo of J and J in the press room immediately after winning the uncontested mixed senior doubles viewing championship.

A few words from my co-champion follow.
JOYCEE's Comments:

I was so happy to have a guided tour through the men's locker room of Rod Laver Arena. The very same locker room and tunnel used by the 2008 champion (and Phoebe Hughes' favorite) Novak Djokovich!! Our guide Megan told us about the Heineken booth in front of the big screen and showed us the "super" boxes. Acutally Maroon 5 was giving a concert that evening so we saw their stage set-up over the Rod Laver court.


Colin Hughes said...

This is going to be a big switch: from the sophisticated into the wilds, then onto the heart of darkness. You know this is the part of the trip I would be looking forward to, and I hope you will enjoy it as much as I would.
I looked on the web and saw that Ayers rock has some nearby springs so there should be some nice wildlife. There cant be too many sources of water around there so it will concentrate the animals.
Then straight off to New Guinea: what a treat that will be. I hope you see everything you are looking forward to.

Ariel said...

what daddy said.

PS i LOVE your hats <3