Monday, March 3, 2008

Countdown to circumnavigation

It is March 3 and there are only 12 days until we leave on March 16. We had a fortune of time to prepare but now that we are face-t0-face with so few days remaining, I am starting to worry about whether all the preparations can be completed by the 16th -- such mundane things as suspending magazine subscriptions, DSL service, cable, etc. etc. etc. This evening I sprayed Permethrin on our mosquito netting (you didn't think that we would rely on the tour guides, particularly in Papua New Guinea for sufficiently fine mosquito netting!). Our son-in-law Colin is kindly lending us his Leica Trinovid binoculars (we have one pair but we each need good binos), and I am busy storing movies and music on portable hard drives. There are more than a few long flights ahead of us, and I am such a light sleeper that I need some amusement when I tire of reading. More to follow!


Preah Pithu said...

Hi Guys from Paulette, Nick's girlfriend (fiance) in West Tisbury. I don't envy your packing but just some suggestions from my travels in China, Thailand, Cambodia,Europe and Central America.

Learn a few words of the language in the country you will be in - please, thank you, how much (is the beer, excuse me - this gives you a minimum of control but shows some respect for the other culture. In Australia - it is the same but try g'day mate for hello and 'ta' for thanks.
Make Up: A good cleanser (small), moisturiser, ONE lipstick, one eyeliner - skip the face masks, the numerous eye shadows etc, you wont wear them.
Shampoo: I worked out how much I used for each wash and ended up using small disposable containers to hold the shampoo and conditioner. Toss out or leave for cleaners at hotel when empty.
Sarong: Both of you - useful for many things - keep you warm, extra layer, sun off your head, instant covering on beach etc.
Good walking sandals and walking shoes. If necessary, one pair of good shoes if going out at night but really, it is more to carry and if you don't mind, nobody else is looking at your feet.(Give your sandals a wipe over and avoid dog shit)
Underwear: You may be travelling differently to me (on the cheap mostly) but I washed underwear out every night and hung in bathroom so that you are not looking for laundry facilities or if you are having a quick stopover. So washing liquid, a small rope that twists so you can fit your things in the twist(these travel packs are available). I carred synthetic underwear with cotton gussets as this fabric dries quickest. There are always liners for underwear too that are quite small to carry.
Carry Passport and Visa cards on you (pouch around waist)at all times whilst travelling/in transit and if you cant leave it/them locked in your hotel. I was robbed in Madrid but not the above - only carry in a back pack what you can afford to lose.
Photos: Can often be downloaded onto CDs for you - mail home immediately.
Music: My MP3 player was wonderful at times but only used when staying in one place for a few weeks. You may find you dont get time to use or watch - planes have movies, documentaries, lots of food and they insist you sleep. When travelling there is so much to take in - food to eat, people to talk to, things to look at that you wont need to take your MP3 player out with you much. It is extra to carry and you risk losing it.
I'm sure you have a great medical kit - I always carry a full medical kit (ex-nurse)but always have Lomotil (diarrhoea)and when you do need it, you need lots but I have found you can buy it anywhere, Maxalon (vomiting), reliable analgesics, band aids and of course insect repellant and sun screen and a fold up /scrunch up hat - yes unattractive but sitting on a boat in the blazing heat who cares.
Many times I worried about many things before they happened and eventually I learned to relax with the travelling - just laugh and don't anticipate problems. So what if you have to wait a while - carry a book to read (pass it on or swap it with a fellow traveller) or chat to someone from another country.

Best wishes to you both, have a fantastic trip - Paulette.

Colin Hughes said...

Bon voyage!