Friday, March 28, 2008

The missing shark pix, from the Sydney Aquarium

Attached are some of the more interesting shark pix from the Sydney Aquarium, taken from the seldom-seen ventral side as the sharks swim over our heads. The first three photos are of gray nurse sharks, which are fearsome-looking at close range, and especially head-on. The last photo is believed to be the ventral side of the head of a leopard shark, Triakis semifasciata or Stegostoma fasciatum, I am not sure which.
JOYCEEs Comments: The Sydney Aquarium is extremely well designed. It sits in the Harbor (Darling Harbor) and has large tubes underneath the tanks where the sharks and rays reside. So you can walk through and see the incredible animals swimming around and over you. This gives you a unique look at their underside or ventral side. And as you can see, allows you to identify the gender of the shark!
An added note - yesterday we went to the Melbourne aquarium which was not as dramatic as Sydney's but we did see the shark feeding. Interestingly, the sharks were not interested in being fed by the divers but the rays were all over the divers. More on that later.
I also talked to a staff person at the Melbourne Aquarium about great white sharks which we did not see. He said they have been unable to keep them in captivity here in Australia. They apparently tried in Sydney and the Great White became quite stressed and they had to release it. He also added that when they put the Great White into the Sydney Aquarium all of the sharks and rays immediately went to the bottom knowing instinctively that the top predator was in their presence!


Colin Hughes said...

Excellent shark action. No one has managed to keep a white shark in captivity yet; it looks like they are so active that they are never going to be aquarium animals.

Today is Ariel's party and they are really excited. Mom and Phoebe are going to go, and I will hold down the fort. I think its ok for a 16 year old to be seen with Mom, but very uncool to have Dad going along.

How's the weather for you guys? It looks like it was pretty nice in the wine country. Did they have any better wines that we typically see - from Aus - here in the US?

We were thinking of you last night as we shared a 2005 Ferrari Carano to celebrate Deb's B-day. We went out for dinner at a place called seasons 52 which specializes in fresh healthy food. It was really good.

ElmarS said...

Dear Joyce & Jules:
Only now have a chance to catch up with you guys; I AM SO JEALOUS (rain, sleet & snow yesterday here in Boston). Belated Happy Birthday, Joyce. Kian & Azita are in Iran; leaving for Dubai tonight. I'll be following you guys from now on. Cotinue to have a fabulous time & see you in Milan. Love, Elmar

ElmarS said...

Dear Joyce & Jules:
Only now have a chance to catch up with you guys; I AM SO JEALOUS (rain, sleet & snow yesterday here in Boston). Belated Happy Birthday, Joyce. Kian & Azita are in Iran; leaving for Dubai tonight. I'll be following you guys from now on. Cotinue to have a fabulous time & see you in Milan. Love, Elmar

Colin Hughes said...

Here is a completely unrelated comment.

Ariel and crew came home after having a wonderful time. All arrangements went perfectly and the party go-ers all had a great time. Thanks.

Jules said...

Thanks for the wonderful comments. We expect photos from the Ariel Hughes sweet sixteen BD party!!!
We miss all of you but we are having a wonderful time!
J and J